New planes and better graphics round out an extensive list of changes to World of Warplanes (see the complete list of changes below). Next time you load your game client, WoWP will automatically update to the latest version. If you have yet to install our air combat game on your PC, click the link below to get started and get airborne!
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0.5.1 Update Notes
New Content

New Planes
- Addition of a new branch of Soviet fighters from Tier IV – X
- I-17
- Yak-1, Yak-7
- Yak-1M, Yak-9
- Yak-3, Yak-9U
- Yak-15
- Yak-19
- Yak-30
- The visual characteristics of plane materials have been adjusted
- Added second Tutorial lesson – air combat tactics
- Added third Tutorial lesson – simulated combat with live NPC adversaries
New levels of detail on maps
- It is now possible to set ground targets and ships on fire
- Reworked the mechanics, displaying the status of gameplay objects, particularly ground objects when on fire
- Background combat action has been added to the maps Bay and Pacific Ocean
- Visual overhaul of the map Asian Border
- Slight rework of light effects and post processing on all maps
- Changed the shader for ground objects, allowing to optimise the texture collection and reduce necessary memory space
- Simplified display of ground targets on long distances
- Edited the altitude above sea level for the maps El Halluf and National Park
- Reworked afterburning effects for jet engines
- Reworked shot impact effects on planes, ground targets, earth and water
- Changed the algorithm for the generation of visual effects on ground and water
- Partially reworked explosion and destruction effects on ground targets
- Slight modification of how tracers are displayed

- It is now possible to buy new hangar slots (without aircraft)
- Complete rebalance of all Credits- and XP gains for all aircraft
- Reworked the repair costs for all aircraft
- Changed the formula to calculate XP gains for:
- Victories
- Surviving battles
- Damaging ground objects
- Helping to destroy planes and ground objects (assists)
- Halved the prices for bombs and rockets
- USA: Fixed the XP and Credits price for 20 mm M2 (K) gun. Fixed XP price for 12,7 mm MG-53-2 (K) gun.
- USSR: Fixed the XP and Credits price for the B-20 gun. Fixed XP and Credits price for M-93-RD1 engine.
Physics and Gameplay Balance
- Altitude
- A plane’s flight characteristics are now more significantly impacted by its altitude
- Readjusted optimal altitude values for all planes in order for them to match the aircrafts’ characteristics and classes.
- Planes reach their maximum speed and maneuverability when flying in the range of their optimal altitude.
- Slightly reduced the maximum maneuverability when flying in the range of optimal speed and altitude
- Low-altitude planes now reach their potential better when flying close to the ground.
- Reworked the retention of speed during sharp turns and dives. When using the afterburner whilst diving, you will now gain speed faster.
- Fixed a bug, which made the plane ‘stutter’ during a clean turn.
- Readjusted bank speeds. Increased the inclination of the plane’s nose when banking.
- The chosen armament now has a bigger effect on the plane’s flight characteristics. Bomb and rocket racks now continue to slow your aircraft down, even after you’ve gotten rid of the additional payload.
- Even damaged engines will now still be able to boost. However, when damaged, boost capacity will be reduced while its cooldown will take longer.
- Reduced the “Pillow-effect” when flying in inclined position close to the ground.
- Increased average bullet spread when firing. Spread increases even more when firing upward.
- Reduced rate of fire for overheated guns
- Adjusted dispersion on all guns
- Improved the algorithm for calculating a plane’s firepower
Plane Characteristics

Fw 56
Ar 80
Bf 109 B
- Removed configuration with an empty slot for the motor-mounted gun
Me 209 A1
- Increased firepower of 13.2 mm MG-131 (S) machine gun
Me 609
- Decreased rudder performance
Fw 57
- Increased durability
- Reduced impact of bomb rack
- Reduced gun overheating rate
- Improved retention of speed when diving
- Improved accuracy of 7.92 mm MG-17 machine gun
- Improved speed characteristics of plane when carrying Jumo 210Ca engine
Bf 109 G
- Increased boost duration
- Fixed the armament’s impact on plane’s maneuverability
- Increased speed at sea level with DB 605 ASCM engine
- Increased damage of 13.2 mm MG-131 (S) machine gun
Bf 109 Z
- Decreased rudder performance
- Increased impact of wing-mounted guns on maneuverability
- Increased durability
- Increased gun overheating rate
- Reduced maneuverability when yawing
- Increased damage of 12.7 mm BMG1921 (S) machine gun
F5U, F6U, F7U
- Reduced boost strength and duration
- Increased efficiency of rudder and elevator
- Improved controllability when diving
- Improved controllability when diving
- Reduced stalling speed
- Increased durability of stock P-51 airframe
- Increased accuracy of stock 12.7 mm M2 (W) machine gun
- Improved speed retention
- Increased boost strength and duration
- Reduced gun overheating rate
- Increased thrust
- Increased maneuverability
- Reduced maneuverability
- Corrected controllability when diving
- Increased impact of weaponry on plane’s flight characteristics
- Increased maneuverability
- Reduced gun overheating rate
ТSh-1, ТSh-3
- Increased damage of 7.62 mm PV-1 (S) machine gun
Р-40 М-105
- Reduced maneuverability
- Increased damage of 7.62 mm PV-1 (S) machine gun
- Increased maneuverability of LaGG-3-66 top airframe
- Improved durability of stock airframe LaGG-3-1
- Reduced impact of top 37 mm NS-37 (H) auto cannon on plane’s flight characteristics
- Reduced optimal speed
- Increased impact of stock armament on plane’s flight characteristics
- Reduced regular thrust effectiveness as well as boost strength
- Increased boost cooldown
- Increased overheating rate of 20 mm B-20 (S) auto cannon
- Reduced boost duration
- Increased boost cooldown
- Reduced boost duration
- Increased boost cooldown
- Reduced boost duration
- Reduced durability
- Reduced speed
- Increased gun overheating rate
- Reduced maneuverability and rudder performance
Attack Planes (all)
- Increased durability
- Increased controllability on low altitudes
- Reduced stalling speed
- Increased air brake effectiveness
- Reduced gun accuracy
- Increased speed loss when manoeuvring
- Increased maneuverability
- Reduced durability
- Reduced diving speed with top airframe
- Reduced gun overheating rate
- Increased thrust
- Increased gun firepower
- Increased thrust
- Increased gun firepower
- Increased firing duration before overheat
- Increased thrust
- Increased gun firepower
- Increased firing duration before overheat
- Increased thrust
- Increased maneuverability
- Increased gun firepower
- Increased firing duration before overheat
- Increased speed without boost
- Increased maneuverability
Consumables and Equipment

- Added equipment: Reinforced Glass
- Effect: +50% on durability of crew against damage
- Available for fighters and carrier-based fighters starting from Tier IV
- Added equipment: Reinforced Metal Plates
- Effect: +50% on durability of crew, engine and fuel tank against damage
- Available for heavy fighters and attack planes from Tier II
- Added equipment: Neutralising Gas
- Effect: +30% quicker extinguishing of fire
- Available for planes of all classes from Tier IV-VII
- Added equipment: Fire extinguishing system
- Effect: +50% quicker extinguishing of fire
- Available for planes of all classes from Tier VIII-X
- Added consumable Medikit
- Effect: Heals entire crew; Improves durability of all crew members by 25% during the entire battle.
- Added consumable Pneumatic Restarter
- Effect: Gives the ability to manually restore engine functionality
- Added consumable «Automatic fire extinguisher
- Effect: Automatic extinguishing of fire. -15% on fire probability throughout entire battle.
- There are now four ammunition belts available for all machine guns up to (and including) 15 mm calibre: Standard, Armor-Piercing, Incendiary and Armor-Piercing Incendiary
- All machine guns starting at 20 mm calibre now have five ammunition belts available:
- Germany: Standard, Armor-Piercing, Incendiary, Solid Core Armor-Piercing, High Explosive
- USSR: Standard, Armor-Piercing, Incendiary, Armor-Piercing Incendiary, High Explosive-Incendiary
- USA: Standard, Armor-Piercing, Incendiary, Armor-Piercing Incendiary, High Explosive
- Japan: Standard, Armor-Piercing, Incendiary, Armor-Piercing Incendiary, High Explosive-Incendiary
Short introduction to the way ammunition belts work:
- All types of ammunition lose effectiveness (damage) with distance. However, depending on the type, the value of damage loss per distance varies.
- Standard – Moderately effective on all distances. No chance of setting opponent on fire.
- Armor-Piercing – Higher damage on greater distances. No chance of setting opponent on fire.
- Incendiary – Lower damage on greater distances. Average chance to set opponent on fire.
- Solid Core Armor-Piercing – Significantly higher damage on greater distances. No chance to set opponent on fire.
- Armor-Piercing-Incendiary – Slightly more damage on greater distances. Low chance to set opponent on fire.
- High Explosive-Incendiary - Less damage on short distances. Significantly more damage on greater distances. Low chance to set opponent on fire.
- High Explosive – Less damage on short distances. Even higher damage on greater distances. High chance to set opponent on fire.
Crew – Skills and Perks

- Added new skills for crew members:
- “Fire Fighting” – enhances fire fighting abilities even without a fire extinguisher. The effect increases with skill level. Effective skill level is averaged across the entire crew.
- Can be learned by Pilot, Navigator, Rear Gunner
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- "Veteran" – improves controllability and maneuverability of damaged aircraft. Effectiveness increases at the same rate as the skill is learned.
- Can be learned by Pilot
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- "Crack Shot“ – improves accuracy of machine guns and autocannons.
- Can be learned by Pilot
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- "Sharpshooter“ – improves accuracy of rear gunner’s fire at enemy aircraft
- Can be learned by Rear Gunner
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- "Tutor" – increases experience per battle for all crew members, including the Navigator
- Can be learned by Navigator
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- "Bombardier" – improves accuracy when launching rockets or dropping bombs
- Can be learned by Navigator
- Available after mastering 1 skill
- We will add even more Skills in the future.

- Improved algorithm calculating the position of the lead aim indicator
- Changed colour of all combat log messages as well as all warnings on screen
- Added ‘minimized’ version of HUD
- Renewed the radar
- The game now remembers camera distance levels used in the previous battle
- Camera angle in Sniper View is now wider. Increased control reactivity when steering the plane in Sniper View with Mouse controls enabled.
- Added possibility to buy Hangar slots – either from the carousel or when buying new planes
- Store: The tabs for the purchase of ‘Ammunition Belts’ as well as ‘Bombs and Rockets’ are now available for use
- Store: It’s now possible to sell your aircraft from this menu. Before selling, you’ll be able to remove the crew, consumables and ammunition.
- Added barracks
- Crew: Swapping crews between planes or sending them to the barracks is now available.
- Crew: Crew members can now be retrained for different aircraft from their personal file menu.
- Crew: It’s now possible to drop skills from the personal file menu.
- Added possibility to dismiss crew members.
- Added 4 new loading screens
- You can now invite players to flights through the context menu appearing on a their name in the chat.
- Added new channel group called “Selection“, which will show all the way left next to your open channels. Players can now definitively save a channel they like, to have easy access to it. All types of channels can be added to this “Selection” group – private channels, system channels or group user channels.
- New players will now be displayed the “General Discussions“ channel when starting up the game. When closing it for the first time, a tool tip will be shown, telling players where to find the list of their available channels again.
- Redesigned Contacts tab
- The contact group ”Ungrouped” has been removed. New players are now being added to the regular user group.
- Redesigned the creation of a new user group
- New look of user group channels
- Adjusted the behaviour of ‘Recent’ channels
- Removed channels are no longer being updated in the channel list.
- In addition to group channels all recent private channels will also be displayed
- Behaviour of Contacts and Channels windows adjusted
Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug displaying group contacts when inviting somebody to a group channel
- Improved scrolling through the list of chat members in group channels when there are more than 11 participants

- Improved weapon sounds
- Overall balancing of all sound levels
- Reduced video memory use during combat (to around 100 Mb on “Very High” graphics quality)