The Messerschmitt Bf 109 line was so dominant in military aviation during WWII that, when asked to describe a fighter of that period, you can’t help but instinctively think of this iconic aircraft. Over 33,000 units of this remarkable plane have been built in over 20 different variants from its maiden flight in 1935 until its last sorties roughly ten years later. German veteran pilot Günther Rall, the third most successful fighter ace in history, called the 109 “a dream, the non plus ultra […]”. Clearly the German engineers must have done something right when designing this famous war bird.
The model that we’re looking at is the Messerschmitt Bf 109 B – a tier IV fighter and the first of four Messerschmitt fighters that you can research in the game. After the preceding Arado Ar 80, taking a seat in the cockpit of the Bf 109 B is going to feel like a true step upward that clearly warrants the price of 5,200 XP and 131,000.
Just like the Spitfire was the mainstay of the British Royal Air Force, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 was the principal fighter of the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe. It was very advanced for its time, being one of the first aircraft to feature an all-metal wireframe construction, a closed canopy, retractable landing gear and, most of all, the first batch of remarkably powerful Daimler-Benz engines. Equipped with what, at the time, was the pinnacle of German engineering genius, this aircraft was able to pull off feats that changed the landscape of air-to-air combat forever.
Even before you upgrade to the top engine (the famous Daimler-Benz one), you’ll notice that the fighter’s strongest attribute is its ability to rise in an almost heavy-fighter-like fashion. The Bf 109 B can climb at 15.8m/s to an optimum altitude of 1700m but can be flown comfortably at up to 2km without notable performance drop-offs. To help you get that high, you can count on the assistance of a strong 15-second boost, a stat that most other fighters in the game could only dream of. Once at an optimal altitude, you’ll see that the Bf 109 B also features the highest top speed (550 km/h) and diving speed (680km/h) of all tier IV fighters. With speeds like this, it’s easy to see that the Bf 109 B is one of the first true, German “Boom & Zoom” fighters.
The plane’s strong suits become even more apparent when you consider its shortcomings: it has the lowest maneuverability value of all tier IV fighters in the game. At only 322 points (which can drop as low as 292 with the heaviest equipment), the maneuverability of the Bf 109 B can only be described as "limited," with turning a full circle taking as long as 16.9s on average with the best configuration. Once you’ve upgraded to the more advanced modules, that value goes up by another second and a half, showing only too well that you won’t do yourself any favors engaging in furball type, "Turn & Burn" dogfights with this aircraft.
What you should do instead is play to the strengths of your plane’s profile since your warbird excels at outclimbing other aircraft of its class, the use of "Boom & Zoom" tactics is key! Gain as much altitude (to at least 1.5km) then come down hard on your opponents at full speed only to subsequently zoom away into the sky for another go-around. By upgrading to the proficient 20mm-caliber cannon, you can extend your firing range to almost 900m, which, in combination with up to four other 7.92mm guns, is enough to break through the hull of even the toughest armored planes out there. If you find attacking foes while diving too difficult, which can happen as your guns aren’t the most accurate, you can focus on downing enemy heavy fighters. They usually cruise at around your optimum altitude and your weapons are surprisingly effective against them.
Spitting hot fire since 1935, before the Spitfire: the Messerschmitt Bf 109 B.
The key to success with the Bf 109 B is mastering "Boom & Zoom" tactics and knowing when to dive on your enemies!
Name |
Weight (in kg) |
Type |
Power (in h.p.) |
Jumo 210 B |
410 |
water-cooled |
640 |
Jumo 210 Da |
420 |
water-cooled |
680 |
DB 600 Aa |
570 |
water-cooled |
900 |
Since you start out with a tier III engine on a tier IV fighter, you should consider upgrading this part first. A "Boom & Zoom" plane relies heavily on its capacity to climb high and dive fast. The tier IV Jumo 210 Da engine does help with the rate of climb a bit (+1.9m/s) and boosts your speed by up to 37km/h. However, it still pales in comparison to the Daimler Benz 600 Aa that can be mounted as the second engine upgrade. Your plane will truly boom with this engine upgrade!
Name |
Weight (in kg) |
Calibre (in mm) |
Rate of Fire (in r/min) |
Muzzle Velocity (in m/s) |
Damage (per second) |
7.92 mm MG-17 (1936) (H) |
21 |
7.92 |
1200 |
790 |
47 |
2x 7.92 mm MG-17 (1936) (S) |
21 |
7.92 |
1100 |
790 |
42 |
2x 7.92 mm MG-17 (1936) (W) |
21 |
7.92 |
1200 |
790 |
47 |
20 mm MG-FF (H) |
52 |
20 |
520 |
585 |
70 |
20 mm MG-FF/M (H) |
52 |
20 |
540 |
600 |
87 |
Just as with your engine, you start a little bit underpowered with the stock guns that the fighter comes equipped with. Your starting firepower is only 44, which is not the worst of all tier IVs, but also nowhere near the 85 points that the Japanese A6M1 boasts. In addition to the pre-equipped, hub-mounted weapon and the non-removable synchronized machine gun, the Bf 109 B also has a third wing-mounted weapon slot, which can hold two further 7.92mm MGs!
The Bf 109 B in its natural habitat: up in the clouds, booming down on its unsuspecting prey!
In order to improve your plane’s performance, we recommend that you invest in the equipment parts listed below:
Improved Reflector Sight Your guns and cannon are pretty inaccurate, especially at long distances. Boost your accuracy to improve your hit ratio! |
Reinforced Covering II Although you have 150 HP to start, your foes may also carry powerful guns, so you should protect your wings, fuselage and tail as best you can. |
Aircraft Polish I Speed and energy are your most valuable commodities as a "Boom & Zoom" fighter. Best to reap every last bit of performance that you can get! |
As far as your consumables are concerned, there are only two that you might need occasionally:
Manual Fire Extinguisher The Bf 109 B is not the most maneuverable plane. Better take some insurance to put out a fire fast should you start burning! |
Pneumatic Restarter Keeping your engine in working order is key! If you can’t quickly climb back to safety after booming, you’re done for. Bringing the pneumatic restarter can help save you from destruction! |
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