Week 2 Winners!
Bf 109 Gs and P-51Ds climbed into the skies for the second week of the Dogfighting Aces contest last week, and the fighting has been fierce! Competing for their choice of the new tier VIII Premium planes, pilots dueled for the highest base Experience (XP) in a single battle in one of these two iconic planes.
This week, your winners by top XP were:
P-51D - PostTraumatic - 2157 XP
Bf 109 G - charge12 - 2311
The leaders of the pack were not the only winners, because two random players who participated in the contest were chosen as well!
This week’s random winners are as follows:
P-51D - bangbangyourdead1 - 793
Bf 109 G - swbchevy - 1293
Congratulations to the winners! Pilots, keep contributing to the Dogfight each week in June for your chance to win!
Winners, expect a PM from Gunlion!
Event Starts: Monday, June 1, 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
Event Ends: Wednesday, July 1, 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
- Every week, the top player with the most base XP earned in a single battle in the P-51D will win a tier VIII Premium plane of their choice
- Every week, the top player with the most base XP earned in a single battle in the Bf 109 G will win a tier VIII Premium plane of their choice
- Every week, a random pilot of each plane will be chosen to win a tier VIII Premium plane of their choice
- For the last week, six top players and two random players will get their choice of a tier VIII Premium plane
In the event the same player wins multiple times, each additional time they win they will be credited with 1,000 instead of an additional tier VIII plane. The next-highest player will win their choice of a tier VIII Premium plane.