The fall wind isn't just a reminder that winter is coming soon. It also brings you a whole lot of new events — accept the challenge and become one of the Fall Campaign's fighters!
Make this fall hotter when fighting for the unique McDonnell XF-85 Goblin and many other valuable prizes!
The Fall Campaign will consist of six in-game events where you will have to show all your prowess and skill.
As a reward for each event, the most skilled and persevering pilots will receive Premium aircraft,
days of Premium Account, and
supply crates, while the best of the best will be able to land the McDonnell XF-85 Goblin — the only Tier IX Premium aircraft — in their Hangar.
During the Fall Campaign, you can earn a maximum of 18 honorary chevrons, which guarantees you a grand prix. Honorary chevrons for rating positions are distributed as follows:
Rating positions | Number of chevrons |
1 - 5 | 3 ![]() |
6 - 10 | 2 ![]() |
11 - 20 | 1 ![]() |
Take part in the campaign's stages, move up the rating, and get the well-deserved rewards!
Nickname | Number of chevrons![]() |
Deathnail | 18 |
HoujuuNue | 18 |
Nameme99 | 18 |
Tank_Jackin | 18 |
toshiaki_virgin | 18 |
Von_Hellswinkle | 18 |
ZEROmark1 | 18 |
desert786 | 17 |
Doctor_Doolittle | 17 |
miguel1213 | 17 |
SgtSchlautter | 17 |
V_MAXX | 17 |
hoom | 16 |
farquare | 15 |
Vradin | 15 |
ElectricDenis | 14 |
cyclopster | 13 |
ThotCrime | 13 |
BigBadWolf | 12 |
Deciballistic | 11 |
jimbo_65 | 11 |
newmoon83 | 11 |
Ytsejack | 11 |
drmx | 10 |
Fogsy | 10 |
Heinz_99 | 10 |
speedman99999 | 10 |
TankNoob1960 | 10 |
DamienSked | 9 |
skyblade_run | 9 |
Reitousair | 9 |
BOA_Prus0 | 8 |
capatterson | 8 |
DataNinja | 8 |
LenzIdem | 8 |
ebp_si | 8 |
akt | 7 |
Dc2mitchell | 7 |
egikov | 7 |
Raw_41 | 7 |
RipSoc | 7 |
SpiritFoxMY | 7 |
Stygian_Alchemist | 7 |
BOA_VibeTech | 6 |
Dolmon | 6 |
Lichentrager | 6 |
losttwo | 6 |
SnowFerret_91 | 6 |
SanyaLitvyak | 6 |
Sea_Of_Stars | 6 |
_Rommel_101 | 5 |
Bobby_Tables | 5 |
BTBob_1 | 5 |
cirolpm | 5 |
honorabili | 5 |
Jenko1957 | 5 |
Kragenskjold | 5 |
NyghtWolf | 5 |
Shizzywiznut | 5 |
Takezo1973 | 5 |
Tetratatrueno | 5 |
Prasertchai | 5 |
Duncan_Nivek | 4 |
epicfearman | 4 |
G_Murray | 4 |
no_trace_of_sanity | 4 |
PhoenixBluestar | 4 |
Shugenja | 4 |
splash5 | 4 |
ViperII_boot | 4 |
Sysjack | 4 |
rooed | 4 |
lunber54 | 4 |
_Panzerkunst_ | 3 |
Bacon_Gamer83 | 3 |
BetoRS | 3 |
Brad_Littleton | 3 |
CARD0NA | 3 |
CoyoteSinister | 3 |
DaniloMouraFAB | 3 |
Datlev | 3 |
Greg_Pattinson | 3 |
guna351 | 3 |
Pirate59_1 | 3 |
Porkins_did_not_eject | 3 |
Quickstrikez28 | 3 |
Silvershadow_115 | 3 |
z1313 | 3 |
Enrico928 | 3 |
pirat262 | 3 |
Digital_Jesus | 3 |
Cricky_1 | 3 |
HitmanJonzee | 3 |
Neechooky | 3 |
Rothganon | 3 |
ClosedCoffin | 3 |
_Bust_A_Move_ | 2 |
2Com2 | 2 |
CptClubber | 2 |
DejaQ | 2 |
destroyships | 2 |
dragon2928 | 2 |
duglas001 | 2 |
hamhockjones | 2 |
JETC14 | 2 |
JoeKidd5 | 2 |
Johnnylaw08 | 2 |
LastInFirstOut | 2 |
SgtZak | 2 |
wylleEcoyote | 2 |
yellowcrystal | 2 |
xu1hua2 | 2 |
DaiBangDen88 | 2 |
Prenzlau | 2 |
Orpheus1221 | 2 |
Lionitus | 2 |
crzyhawk | 2 |
Fkn_Ra | 2 |
Captkirk2013 | 2 |
Chroma_Dragon | 2 |
BreNangin | 2 |
DEMOLIDOR_742_defender | 2 |
haniblendeskies | 2 |
shadoh001 | 2 |
lance3006 | 2 |
MattTheGatt | 2 |
ColoradoFighter | 2 |
Knight56 | 2 |
__No_Excuses | 1 |
arrrgh | 1 |
blackjack777_2019 | 1 |
Blacknight | 1 |
bsmooth2017 | 1 |
buk_taki | 1 |
Casub | 1 |
ccros | 1 |
CoreyPMc | 1 |
deepfry | 1 |
DemonAngel0311 | 1 |
Derecktor | 1 |
DrPain_2017 | 1 |
ElColombiano94 | 1 |
Excidius_Rex | 1 |
geiko | 1 |
General_John_Buford | 1 |
Grizz31 | 1 |
hopper19120 | 1 |
Hurt_hammer | 1 |
jetmack | 1 |
MeBashemGood | 1 |
MO_E | 1 |
NovaTempest | 1 |
opala73_leandro | 1 |
PanzerRelic | 1 |
pyantoryng | 1 |
qu33kKC | 1 |
RandomPauI | 1 |
Red_Lance | 1 |
Reydex | 1 |
rogerdat1 | 1 |
Ruhster | 1 |
sawmanz | 1 |
Shootie_Mark_Crusaders | 1 |
Silence6966 | 1 |
sirssam | 1 |
SOD_MAC | 1 |
SPRSTR | 1 |
Sultan68 | 1 |
sylver007 | 1 |
Turgid0ne | 1 |
Vanya_the_Bear | 1 |
Wayward_Son | 1 |
Yevgeny_Z | 1 |
momomayoh | 1 |
Lee_C_Cyn | 1 |
Gartzen66 | 1 |
Pegasus6a | 1 |
Captain_Underpants53 | 1 |
D0WN3R | 1 |
Locobrood | 1 |
DustyCH | 1 |
Zigfreid | 1 |
Mr_H_Balls | 1 |
Avolation | 1 |
Veebat | 1 |
WhiteKnight416 | 1 |
rcdrost | 1 |
conductor_ | 1 |
saint_kiss | 1 |
Panku99 | 1 |
Swraved | 1 |
stavola_2016 | 1 |
LEON2564 | 1 |
Greywar | 1 |
Blu_Drache | 1 |
memrey | 1 |
RyGray | 1 |
WolfWiz | 1 |
DirtySquirrell | 1 |
Spiel2 | 1 |
Eugenio_Regis | 1 |
CMDR_Viper | 1 |
Krome_16 | 1 |
Sanya_VLitvyak14 | 1 |
flying_4 | 1 |
BigOnez | 1 |
Murder_911 | 1 |
Cdt_Closterman | 1 |
Tuco_the_Ugly_ | 1 |
Shogun1775 | 1 |
vellie | 1 |
Arm0r | 1 |
Madman2459 | 1 |
K34b04rd | 1 |
wham_1 | 1 |
Mishakal | 1 |
LuckyBreeze | 1 |
The Campaign consists of six in-game events, each event will last from Friday to Sunday, every month there will be two in-game events.
A few days before the start, detailed conditions for participation in the current event, as well as a list of prizes, will appear on our official portal. Don't forget to mark it on your calendar and follow the news on our website!
The final prizes of the Fall Campaign depend on the number of chevrons collected in all six events.
Number of chevrons | Reward |
16 - 18 ![]() |
13 - 15 ![]() |
10 - 12 ![]() |
7 - 9 ![]() |
4 - 6 ![]() |
1 - 3 ![]() |