On April 1, the Royal Air Force marks its 105th anniversary. To celebrate this glorious day together with the first and oldest independent Air Force in the world, we've prepared a festive game event for you.
Launch your favorite British aircraft, complete missions, and receive valuable rewards: Unique Supply Crates, equipment, materials, and much more!
From March 31 (02:30 PT / 05:30 ET) through April 3 (02:30 PT / 05:30 ET), there's so much you can get. Take a look!
Bonuses and Discounts
Extra XP for your first victory
50% off Tier II–VII regular British aircraft purchased for credits
30% off Tier VIII–X regular British aircraft purchased for credits
50% off Tier II–VII Premium British aircraft purchased for gold
30% off Tier VIII Premium British aircraft purchased for gold
Royal Air Force Anniversary
Combat XP
+50% to credits
Earn 5,000 personal points in a single battle.
- Repeatable mission
- Only for British aircraft
Royal Air Force Anniversary. Part 1
1 Advanced Collimator Sight (Period II)
50 Airframe Elements
50 Mechanical Parts
RAF emblem
Destroy 40 enemy aircraft while defending
sectors in any number of battles.
- Once per account
- For Tier II–IV British aircraft
Royal Air Force Anniversary. Part 2
1 Advanced Gyroscopic Sight (Period III)
10 Flight Instruments
10 Heat-Resistant Parts
10 Radio Electronics
Earn 3,000 capture points for destroying
aerial targets in any number of battles.
- Once per account
- For Tier V–VII British aircraft
Royal Air Force Anniversary. Part 3
3 Unique Supply Crates
Deal 100,000 HP of damage to aerial targets
in any number of battles.
- Once per account
- For Tier VIII–X British aircraft
Royal Air Force Anniversary. Part 4
+20% to Crew XP
Destroy one German aircraft in a single battle.
Get Airborne!