This week, Update 1.4.1 is released. We're constantly working to improve World of Warplanes, and this newest version is designed to address several significant issues. Update 1.4.1 fixes issues with the battle UI and hangar, fixes sound issues and adds back in the ability for players to bypass the spectator mode and return to the Hangar during the plane-destruction cinematic. Check out the full list of changes below, or download the patch and take to the skies!
We'll see you in the air!
Update 1.4.1
- Corrections for visual effects of fonts and shadows in the interface to improve readability of messages and markers.
- Bugfix for when plane markers on the location map could not be switched from direction markers to plane classes markers for the alternative markers mode. (Colorblind mode) (In-game, not pre-battle cinematic)
- Fixed missing ally markers on the map and minimap during the pre-battle cinematic.
- Fixed the problem when the game menu was unavailable by pressing the Esc after the player's plane was destroyed but before switching to the spectator mode.
- Fixed missing battle interface and ability to fly with the keyboard after the starting countdown is finished, if the chat input line was activated during the cinematic.
- Fix for the display of the teamlist screen during battle loading if resolution is more than 1920x1080.
- Fixed the missing elements of the battle interface after its hiding by pressing Ctrl + Home and enabling it back, if the minimal team list panel mode was chosen in the settings.
- Fixed wrong color of teammate messages (the same yellow color for in-flight messages) for players in a Flight.
- Fixed the problem when the plane type icon overlaid the text of the message about assisting in destroying.
- Fix for the teamlist display: players who exited the battle (back to the Hangar) are displayed again in transparent gray font and not in black.
- Fixed the problem of using the alternative color mode (colorblind mode) - battle interface had the old version of the aim lead point from the game version before 1.4.0.
- Fixed the problem with wrong hangar display of the penalty for the proficiency and skill after moving a crewmember to the regular (non-premium) plane of the same class without training.
- The key for switching between the teamlist screen and pre-battle cinematics was changed into Tab to maintain uniformity with switching those in-battle.
- Fixed the missing sound of timer for the pre-battle countdown.
- Fixed the problem of the engine sound stuttering (interrupted sound) in spectator mode.
- Fixed the problem of the stuttering (interrupted) sound after collision with another plane.
- Fixed the problem when the engine sound starts before the pre-battle cinematics began.
- Fixed the problem of all battle sounds disappearing after getting 100% superiority and victory confirmation.