Meet Update for World of Warplanes.
Please note: In order to deploy the latest update, the servers will undergo maintenance on December 4 from 23:00 PT / December 5 02:00 ET till December 5 04:00 PT / 07:00 ET
New Aircraft
- The branches of the recently added U.S. heavy bombers (B-17D, B-17G, and B-32) and Japanese heavy fighters (Ki-45, Ki-102, and Ki-93) are now available for research and purchase in the Tech Tree.
- The branch of U.S. heavy bombers forks from the Tier V XP-44 multirole fighter, starts with the Tier V B-17D bomber, and ends with the B-32 bomber joining the Tier VII P-47N multirole fighter.
- The branch of Japanese heavy fighters forks from the Tier IV Ki-43-I and A6M1 fighters, starts with the Ki-45 heavy fighter, and ends with the Ki-93 heavy fighter joining the Tier VIII Ki-94-II fighter and the Tier VIII J7W1 multirole fighter.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that prevented one of the emblems of the Vickers Venom from providing a bonus.
- Changed the descriptions of the key features of Japanese heavy fighters in the aircraft specifications panel in the Hangar.
- Fixed the bug where damaged modules of some bombers were not displayed correctly in the aircraft layout in the battle interface.
- Removed the Premium Account maximum duration limit. Now players who have reached the maximum Premium Account duration will be able to receive rewards extending its duration.