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Position: Private

Days in clan: 4855

[AR15] Black Rifle

Position: Private

Days in clan: 4855

Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Most Damage per Battle,

Aircraft type efficiency


Multirole Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Attack Aircraft


Achievements 91/177

  • marcel
  • Marseille Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 17 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    Award +1
  • maccambell
  • McCampbell Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 10 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    The destroyed targets must include aircraft of all 5 types.

    Award +1
  • teamworkguru
  • Hero of the Sky Badge

    Awarded for earning the highest aircraft type grade in battle.

    Award +1
  • reliablerear
  • Rear Cover

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target with turret fire.

  • dillei4
  • Johnson Medal Class IV

    Awarded for destroying at least 20 aircraft from the enemy combat group.

    Award +1
  • effective
  • Effective Fire

    Awarded for earning at least 5000 personal points in each of at least 2 battles played in a row.

    The count is reset if the player earns fewer than 5000 personal points in a single battle.

  • predatoryduet
  • Raptor Duo

    Awarded to members of a Flight that destroyed 15 aerial targets and earned at least 500 capture points.

    The count is reset if one of the Flight members is destroyed.

  • flameofheaven
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available once for each aircraft in the Hangar.

  • impactfromthesky
  • Successful Interception

    Awarded once for destroying an aircraft from an Attack Flight.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 2,755
Victories 1,645 (59.71%)
Draws 9 (0%)
Defeats 1,101 (40%)
Average Experience per Battle 2,569
Maximum Experience per Battle 10,179

Battle Performance

Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.26
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.14
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,142.58
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,069.74

Preferences in aircraft types

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
Fighters 2,289 (83%)
Multirole Fighters 105 (4%)
Heavy Fighters 142 (5%)
Attack Aircraft 218 (8%)
Bombers 2 (0%)

Preferences in aircraft nations

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
U.S.S.R. Aircraft 8 (0%)
Germany Aircraft 2,259 (82%)
U.S.A. Aircraft 274 (10%)
Japan Aircraft 0 (0%)
U.K. Aircraft 215 (8%)
China Aircraft 0 (0%)
Europe Aircraft 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Battles Fought
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets
Damage Caused to Ground Targets
Aerial Targets Destroyed
Ground Targets Destroyed
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Experience per Battle



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Aircraft Total Sorties Selected at the Start of a Battle Most Aerial Targets Destroyed per Sortie Most Ground Targets Destroyed per Sortie

The Hawker P.V.3 was developed as an enlarged version of the Hawker Fury fighter powered by a new engine with an enhanced armament of four machine guns. The single completed prototype was tested with several variants of the Goshawk engines in 1934–1935.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.56 287
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 759.52 47,849
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6.65 418

One of the mass-produced P-36As was experimentally redesigned into a version with heavy cannon armament. Following a cycle of tests, it was decided to revert to the initial version with machine gun armament.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.45 267
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.02 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 596.63 65,032
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 84.75 9,237

The winner of the contest to become the principal fighter aircraft with the Luftwaffe. Early modifications were used in Spain and in the initial period of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.31 81
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 505.18 17,681
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 13.26 464

Developed and tested in 1935 as a new fighter for the Luftwaffe. Exported to Spain, Japan, Hungary, and Romania. A total of 100 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.60 8
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 425.27 2,126
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

One of the most successful fighters of the prewar period. Served in the air forces of the United States, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and China.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.97 57
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 375.47 10,888
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6.93 200

Modification of the Messerschmitt fighter created after military operations in Spain. Extensively used by the Luftwaffe and the air forces of German allies.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.30 3,226
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,175.94 881,953
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 31.30 23,475

Fighter designed and produced in Australia based on the CA-1 Wirraway. A total of 250 aircraft were built in 1942–1945.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.69 957
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,002.67 259,690
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 26.59 6,887

Developed on the basis of the P-36. Most extensively used against Japan during the Pacific War and in China, and on the Soviet-German front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.23 200
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 806.20 49,984
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 21.15 1,310

An early model of one of the most famous U.S. Army Air Force fighters of World War II. Used mainly in North Africa, Burma, and Great Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.00 128
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,203.57 38,514
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1940, the Bf 109 F outperformed the earlier Bf 109 E due to lighter armament, improved aerodynamics, and a more powerful engine.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.03 455
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 923.42 138,512
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3.75 562

One of the most famous American fighters during World War II. Used extensively in Europe and in the later stages of the war against Japan.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.70 532
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,094.76 215,668
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 9.37 1,846

The most widely produced model of the Messerschmitt fighter. Used in all theaters of war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.29 750
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,294.41 295,125
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 54.93 12,523

Modification of the mass-produced Yak-3 featuring an auxiliary liquid-fuel rocket engine and a single cannon. The prototype underwent trials in 1944–1945.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.23 71
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,014.22 22,312
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The fastest Mustang and one of the fastest piston fighters in the world. A total of 555 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.13 447
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,437.95 205,626
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 17.92 2,562

Developed on the basis of the Fw 190. Entered service with the Luftwaffe at the end of 1944, but only a few Ta 152s saw combat.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.33 4
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,403.58 4,210
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Originally designed to reach a higher top speed record. Later improved on to become a full-featured fighter to replace the Bf 109. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.40 1,862
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,468.47 803,253
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 24.01 13,133

First operational U.S. Navy carrier-based jet fighter. Later became the basis for the famous F-86.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.85 24
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 860.11 11,181
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1943 based on technologies introduced in the Me 262. Several versions were offered.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.71 1,121
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,263.78 538,779
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 40.04 9,529

One of the most famous postwar jet fighters. Used by U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.21 151
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,193.86 103,111
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2.19 102

Development started in August 1944. The latest variant of this fighter was 80% complete in early 1945 when it was captured by American troops.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.01 15,259
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 4
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 3,691.79 9,373,445
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 61.23 155,465

Biplane fighter of the 1930s. Used mainly as a trainer in Luftwaffe flight schools.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.18 68
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 374.68 4,121
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.30 3

U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Navy biplane fighter of the interwar period.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.47 52
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 221.54 3,323
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 10.72 160

Developed in 1941 as a specialized anti-tank aircraft on the basis of the Hawker Hurricane fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.25 5
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 299.99 1,199
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1939 as an alternative to the Bf 109 that served in the Luftwaffe. The Fw 190 entered mass production in 1941.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.67 10
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 468.84 2,813
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The best U.S. carrier-based fighter at the start of the war with Japan. Used from the outset through the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.80 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 519.21 2,596
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 673.92 3,369

Developed simultaneously with the Hawker Tornado as a high-speed interceptor. However, it proved most effective as a multirole fighter. Remained the main support aircraft in the Royal Air Force until the end of combat in Europe.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.89 624
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.16 35
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,130.28 244,139
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,089.60 667,353

An armed scout aircraft developed during creation of the light transport aircraft Ao 192 CA. No prototype was built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.33 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 139.86 419
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Created as a "strategic fighter," a concept popular in the interwar period. Successfully used in campaigns in Poland, France, and Norway.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.44 62
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.67 12
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 578.15 10,406
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,393.97 25,091

A forced upgrade of the 110 by the Messerschmitt company due to the failed creation of the Me 210. Used both offensively and as a night fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.96 90
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.72 33
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 673.34 30,973
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,029.06 139,336

Heavy fighter-bomber, a further development of the Zerstörer concept. Used mainly on the Western Front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.72 136
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.19 15
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 711.41 56,201
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,434.21 192,302

Heavy fighter-bomber incorporating two fuselages of the Bf 109. The only prototype was destroyed in an Allied bombing raid.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.54 77
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.16 8
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 765.73 38,286
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,095.12 154,756

The world's first jet-powered fighter to enter mass production. The start of development was delayed by the interference of German top leadership who demanded a bomber variant to be developed first.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.02 374
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.14 17
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,744.16 216,275
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,720.44 213,334

A further modification of the Me 262 A. The prototype first flew in January 1945, with modification improvement continuing until the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.34 117
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.06 3
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,786.90 89,345
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,118.31 55,915

Attack modification of the iconic Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber featuring enhanced armament and armor.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.22 116
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.73 69
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 449.11 42,665
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,322.42 315,629

Anti-tank modification of the Ju 88 bomber. Several dozen aircraft equipped with different armament variants were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.39 103
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.12 83
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 657.46 48,651
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5,717.71 423,110

A tailless design for a multirole attack aircraft. Development began in 1942 but was never completed.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.81 136
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.15 86
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 855.06 64,129
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 8,800.51 660,038

Designed simultaneously with the Me 265 as a new multirole attack aircraft for the Luftwaffe. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.41 158
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.62 181
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 789.43 88,416
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,522.19 1,290,485

Developed from the Me 262 as a multirole aircraft with different armament variants. Development was discontinued as the war had ended.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.53 286
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.13 398
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,124.61 210,301
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 14,498.40 2,711,200

Due to problems with the diesel engines on the early Ju 86, it was decided to replace them with the radial BMW 132. The new modification—the Ju 86 E—served with the Luftwaffe until it was replaced by more advanced He 111 bombers.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.20 6
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 72.42 362
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,932.43 19,662
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