The third iteration of the Public Test for Update 1.7 is now available! This will likely be the final iteration before the update is set live. Be sure to hop on the forums and let us know what you think, after you've had a chance to sample the latest build.
We're happy to announce the first iteration of the Public Test server for World of Warplanes update 1.7. If you're keen to try out new features from the upcoming version before its official release, then the Public Test server is the place for you!
Not only is this a great opportunity to get a glimpse of the future of the game, but you will also be able to actively influence the final release of the update by providing valuable feedback to our developers. With your help, they will be able to test newly created features under real game conditions and smooth whatever rough edges still remain, based on your experiences.
Main Features of this Public Test
- A new branch of German ground attack planes, markedly different from ground attack planes of the USSR tree in their Flight characteristics and armament, what makes ground target attacks more interesting
A new fine-tuning feature for in-battle markers of planes and ground targets (more visible markers of ground targets for ground attack planes, or more visible markers of aerial targets for fighters)
A quick Flight auto-search for players who prefer team play
Please find the full list of changes in the Update Notes below.
How the Public Test Works
When it is time to run a Public Test, the developers offer a test version of the client. This can be downloaded by following the instructions below. Make sure that you follow all of the instructions carefully, so that you don't accidentally cause problems in your normal play account.
The test account is completely separate from your normal account. It will have a set of special rules for crediting XP, Credits and Gold. This will allow you to unlock all the contents of the game quicker, in order for you to be able to fully test the new features.
As such you will receive:
- 2,000 for your 1st victory of the day
- 5,000 for your 10th victory of the day
Additionally, the following multipliers will be applied on the Public Test server:
Plane tier | XP Multiplier | Credit Multiplier |
Your test account will be a copy of your "regular" play account as it was last month. This means that all planes purchased or researched on your regular account by this date will also be available on your Public Test account from the start.
Any progress achieved on the test server will not carry over to your regular World of Warplanes account. Financial transactions are not possible on the test server and payments will not be accepted.
Public Test General Rules
Participation in the World of Warplanes Public Test is free. All players are eligible to take part in the Public Test as long as they registered before January 1.
The test server will run all day long without interruptions or resets. We will communicate in advance when the testing period will be over and when the Public Test will be closed.
How to Join the Public Test
- Download the test client installer
- Save and run the installer. Make sure you pick a save location that is different from your regular World of Warplanes game files.
- Run the new copy of the game. The launcher will download all additional data. (Complete size differs between "SD" and "HD" clients, but will be around 3-6 GB)
- Log in and start playing!
Update Notes
New Planes
German Ground Attack Planes
In contrast to the "flying tanks" of the USSR, these planes offer a variety of game styles. At lower tiers you will get classic ground attack planes; middle tiers focus on using the primary weapons, high tiers become speedy and "die hard" general-purpose planes, somewhat reminiscent of heavy fighters.
- Focke-Wulf Fw.189C Uhu -- tier IV
- Junkers Ju.87G Stuka -- tier V
- Henshel Hs.129B -- tier V
- Junkers Ju. 88P -- tier VI
- Messerschmitt Me. 265 -- tier VII
- Messerschmitt Me. 329 -- tier VIII
- Messerschmitt Me. P. 1099B-2 -- tier IX
- Messerschmitt Me. P. 1102B -- tier X
Gift planes (not obtainable for general public testers at this time)
- Arado Ar. 67 -- Germany, tier II fighter
- Fieseler Fi. 98 -- Germany, tier II ground attack plane
- Nakajima Ki-8 -- Japan, tier II fighter
- Messerschmitt Me. 109TL -- Germany, tier VIII multirole fighter
- Curtiss XF15C -- USA, tier VIII fighter
- Mitsubishi J8M Shusui -- Japan, tier VIII fighter
- Shenyang JL-1A-37 -- China, tier VIII fighter
- Lavochkin La-11 -- USSR, tier VIII fighter
- Seversky 2PA -- USA, tier IV fighter
2 new game locations were added. They will be available for battles of medium and high plane tiers:
- "Province" - available for tiers V - X -- Spring map, based on the theme of military confrontation in Italy. This map is composed of an extensive system of canyons and plateaus. You will also find several towns, connected with bridges
- "The Observatory" - available for tiers V - X -- Winter map, based on the European theatre of war. This map is composed of mountain ranges and a wide canyon in the center of the map
Changes for existing maps:
- Redesigned layout of AAA positions for "El Halluf" and "Winter War" maps
- Reworked layout of spawn points for "Fortress" map -- ground attack aircraft now spawn on both flanks
- AAA ships positions dispersed on "Port" map
- Re-worked layout of spawn points on "Pacific" maps
- Optimized map loading mechanism when entering the battle to reduce the load time
Flight Auto-Search
Button added to the Flight creation window. After pressing the button, a player can join a Flight with other players in a plane of the same or near tier and go for a random Flight. Only one player can be added automatically. The player who activated the Flight auto-search earliest becomes the Flight leader. After one auto-search Flightmate is added, the Flight commander can add one more player from his contact list (and bring the total number of players in Flight to 3).
- Increased accuracy of the primary weapon when shooting at ground targets
Balance algorithm has been improved to reduce the frequency of some issues:
- Battles with overwhelming amount of similar-class planes should become rarer
- Amount of planes who have different tier and class in a battle should become closer to the queue composition (e.g. in case the queue has 10% ground assault planes, then there should be approximately 10% of ground attack planes in the battle)
Daily Missions
Every day, players will be offered three missions to accomplish, for which they will get rewards (Credits/experience).
- Daily missions are divided into three difficulty levels. The second and third difficulty levels will be available only to those who have researched planes of tiers V and VIII respectively. Players will be able to accomplish such missions on aircraft of any tier though
- Unfinished daily missions will be available the next day as well, in case if they weren't accomplished, until player will accomplish them
- Accomplished missions are updated every day 00:00 UTC (16:00 PST / 19:00 EST)
We've added special awards for Public Test participants. They have 10 ranks: Participant, Specialist (3 ranks, bronze), Expert (3 ranks, silver) and Master (3 ranks, gold).
Each rank is awarded for completing a minimum set of combat missions on the Public Test of any further update of World of Warplanes, starting with 1.7.0. Upon receipt of each subsequent ran,k the award in the profile will be replaced with a new one.
Plane & Tech Tree Changes
- Il-40 -- bugfix of the problem with nominal speed of AM-5F engine (mounted) which was higher than nominal speed of RD-9B engine (mounted)
- Fieseler Fi. 98 -- according to the testing results (in version 1.6.4) moved to Tier II, reduced HP, reduced altitude performance, reduced maneuverability
- Me.262 -- fixed the bug which caused reduced turn speed value shown in the Hangar when HWK 509 engine is mounted
- Nakajima Ki-8 -- according to the testing results (in version 1.6.4), efficiency of rear gunner was reduced, reduced HP
- Reworked firing sounds for primary weapons
- Reworked sounds for plane hits
- Fixed engine sounds
- Extended list of options in settings menu for fine tuning of planes and ground targets markers in 'Settings' -- 'Battle'.
- New possibilities of fine-tuning the external view and marker behavior for each plane class
- Marker settings for planes and ground targets were separated
- Available parameters of settings for new marker system -- the distance of display for particular marker elements, transparency, indication type. There's now a possibility to make particular changes in settings for anti-aircraft artillery and armored target parts (separately) for markers of ground targets
- New interactive window of marker appearance preview after configuring depending on the distance to them
Training Rooms
- We've implemented the possibility of plane changes for the player who has created a training room -- no need to re-create the room. All other players of this training room can take other plane without leaving the training room
- The possibility to change the plane configuration without leaving the training room was implemented
- The possibility to change maps and training room descriptions without leaving or re-creation of the room was implemented
- The possibility to hide the list of players in queue and teams from everybody, except for the room creator
- Extended list of battle length time selection
- The possibility to remove all bots from the training room with one button was implemented
- New version of artificial horizon display with a fixed pitch scale and roll display using moving aircraft's silhouette (to bind the camera to the horizon) or semicircular scale of roll angle (to bind the camera to the aircraft)
- The number of weapon slots displayed in the battle interface was increased form 4 to 5 for correct display of the status for all weapon groups on some planes (e.g. Fw.190A-5)
- Tips were added to the battle loading screens with corresponding color considering "Enable alternate color mode"
- New images for the standby screen when entering the battle
- The settings item 'sound quality' was removed from "Settings" - "Sound" menu due to the migration to the new sound engine WWISE in Patch 1.6.0. Now the system always uses the max quality of sound because new engine consumes few resources and has no impact on performance
- Battle results messages, shown in the menu of system messages, now have a group of messages about skills study and proficiency progress
- The display of achievements earned by other players in the "Battle against bots" when checking the profile in the game client was added
- Plane's behavior will become more realistic for the period between really low altitude and when the altitude is enough to switch off the limit - when the 'Limit bank angles at low altitudes' option is enabled
- Fixed issue with sharp cursor movements in case the camera is bound to the plane at sufficient network lagging
Other Changes
- Legal information:
- New button was added to the login screen that opens a window with legal info: the list of inventions' authors (licensors), patents, technology, etc., used in the game client
- The file Licenses.txt, duplicating legal information can be found in the game folder