Update 2.0.8 introduces two brand new tech tree branches to World of Warplanes—the huge and destructive American Flying Fortresses and the extremely dangerous Japanese heavy fighters to counter them. Feel the deafening roar of powerful engines and the rumble of heavy weapons.
In addition, with the release of the update, new ratings start. All active players now have the opportunity to take part in the ratings while fighting in battles and receive valuable prizes based on the rating results.
Early access to new aircraft
From November 8 till December 5, players will have the chance to add the new planes to their Hangar first by participating in the event.
Drop by the Supply Service ("Tokens" Menu in your Hangar) and buy Operation Orders for the six new aircraft, complete the series of missions given to be able to conquer the skies in your brand new bomber or heavy fighter without the need to research and purchase them.
Remember that you can get Tokens for completing Daily missions and receiving the most valuable medals in battles. In addition, during the event there will be the opportunity to buy Tokens using gold on weekends.
New aircraft
USA bomber line
Not very maneuverable, but incredibly strong and well-protected aircraft with high survivability, loaded with a huge stock of large caliber bombs. These aircraft are perfectly suited for the rapid capture of well-protected sectors with a large number of objects. In a single pass, these machines can easily destroy a huge number of targets, and then, on their way back, complete the task and wipe out the enemy’s buildings. In air combat, the most powerful turrets with reliable overlapping sectors of fire provide excellent protection against enemy fighters—any target at close range will be full of holes in a matter of seconds.
- Boeing B-17D — USA, Tier V bomber;
- Boeing B-17G — USA, Tier VI bomber;
- Consolidated B-32 — USA, Tier VII bomber.
Japan heavy fighters line
Maneuverable heavy fighters with powerful heavy weapons, bombs, and turret gunners. Thanks to effective forward-firing and outboard weapons, these aircraft can be used to break through ground and air defense of sectors, resist bomber raids, and intercept attack aircraft. In air combat, their powerful large-caliber weapons are especially effective against large targets, but good handling and maneuverability make it possible to counter light fighters.
- Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu — Japan, Tier V heavy fighter;
- Kawasaki Ki-102 — Japan, Tier VI heavy fighter;
- Rikugun Ki-93 — Japan, Tier VII heavy fighter.
New promotional planes added:
- Curtiss XP-36F — USA, Tier IV fighter;
Aircraft available only to developers and participants of the Supertest for testing:
- Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Ascender — USA, Tier VI fighter.
- Blohm und Voss BV P.203 — Germany, Tier VIII heavy fighter.
Aircraft balance adjustments
- Increased the overall accuracy of the high-altitude bombing of bombers. Decreased the accuracy of bombing directly at the very upper limit of the optimal altitude.
- Updated the damage models for the following aircraft: XP-36F, P-36C, P-36, Hawk 75, P-40, P-40 M-105, Tomahawk IIb, Model 81A-1, Yak-1, Yak-1M, Yak-3, Yak-3RD, Yak-3Т, Yak-7, Yak-9, Yak-9U, Yak-15.
Personal ratings:
New ratings start with the release of the update. Each of them will last for six days from 15:00 PT / 18:00 ET - Tue 19:00 PT / 22:00 ET. By taking part in battles and meeting the conditions of the rating entrance for each of the weeks, players will be placed into one of the divisions and, on Wednesdays, receive prizes according to their effectiveness.
- Week 1: National ratings. Only Tier IV+ aircraft take part in the ratings. The criterion for entering the ratings this week is the number of personal points earned by players in battles on aircraft of all nations present in the game except for France and China. The prizes for participating depending on the division will be gunners of corresponding nations with free skill points, equipment for aircraft with outboard weapons, and—for participants of the higher divisions—gold. Players can participate in all 5 national ratings simultaneously.
- Week 2: Aircraft type ratings. Only Tier IV+ aircraft take part in the ratings. The criterion for entering the ratings this week is the number of destroyed aerial and/or ground targets depending on the type of aircraft. The prizes for participating depending on the division will be ultimate and advanced equipment, rare materials for calibration and enhancement, and—for participants of the higher divisions—gold. Players can participate in all 5 aircraft type ratings simultaneously.
- Week 3: Aircraft tier ratings. All tiers of aircraft can participate. The criterion for entering the ratings this week is the number of times the player placed among the top 3 ranks in the combat group. The prizes for participating depending on the division will be Tokens, free XP, and gold. Players can participate in all 4 ratings simultaneously (Tiers I-II, III-IV, V-VII и VIII-X).
- Increased time for matchmaker to attempt balancing a single flight in the battle queue with another flight.
- Increased time for matchmaker to attempt balancing a single player in the battle queue with another one before launching a battle against bots.
- Reduced the maximum total difference in player aircraft Tiers in battles that include 3vs3 players or more to 2 Tiers instead of 3. Now player aircraft in battles will be more balanced.
- Added the number of bombs and rockets used per one launch to the description of the bomb and rocket modules.
- Improved the descriptions of bombers according to the optimal tactics of their usage: precision altitude bombing, area bombardment with the use of a large number of bombs, possibility of dive bombing.
Other changes
- Improved a number of internal interface mechanics to reduce performance drops caused by them during battles.